May 2, 2014
Check out the Columbia University Commencement Week 2014 mobile app for essential on-the-go Commencement Day, Baccalaureate Service, and other ceremony details. Make sure you have up-to-date information as you participate in events: check ceremony schedules, understand campus access, view maps, and keep track of important details. Please also share with your guests as they prepare for their visit to campus. Go to
April 30, 2014
Graduating Students: Please make sure that you distribute your University Commencement tickets to your families and guests before Commencement day. As graduates and guests gather in different locations for the ceremony, it is extremely difficult to navigate campus and give your guests there tickets that morning.
For more information on Commencement tickets, please visit the Tickets section of this website.
April 14, 2014
Columbia Announces 2014 Honorary Degree Recipients.
Honorary Degrees are awarded to individuals who have made significant contributions to research, publication, law, science, government, education and literature. Honorary degrees were first awarded by Columbia in 1758. Honorees do not need to be graduates of Columbia University.
The University Medal for Excellence is awarded each year to an alumnus or alumna, under 45 years of age, whose record in scholarship, public service, or professional life is outstanding.